Windsor's Nonprofit Community Makerspace

“Gearing Up” Growth Campaign

Meta Makers Cooperative is Windsor-Essex’s only community makerspace. A makerspace is a place where people with shared interests can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. Founded as a volunteer-run non-profit cooperative in January 2019, facilitated by members & volunteers, our mission is to provide access to tools and resources to maximize human potential. By connecting a diverse community of makers, we bridge the gap between science, technology and the arts, and foster innovation.

Located in Sho Studios and serving an area population of over 340,000, it’s time for us to grow! We are upgrading our equipment in automation technology (ex. 3D printer, laser engraver, CNC mill, automated embroidery machine), safety (ex. dust management system, saw-stop table saw, replacement power tools), and the arts (ex. pottery & glass kiln, glasswork tools, picture-framing hand tools). As such, we will be moving our facilities to a bigger space on the main floor!

Help make state-of-the-art technology accessible to the community by contributing to our new interactive gear wall! Add your cog to our wall to show your support for these new resources and promote your organization to the community.

“Moving Forward” Gear Wall concept


Corporate Sponsors (full colour logo centered)

Community Sponsors (name engraved)

Copper level & higher include a one-year membership. Brass includes a 6 months membership, Nickel a 3 months membership.

The cogs have been specifically designed so that all five sizes mesh together to form a moving display.

The M2C Gear Wall provides a working visual of the momentum we can build when we are all connected. Donations for the wall will be gratefully accepted until the unveiling of the installation in 2024.

Please contact us by emailing for more information, or to process cash or cheque. Online payment can be made using PayPal or eTransfer (

Thank you in advance for endorsing this opportunity to lead locally, and we look forward to welcoming you to the space!

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